(520) 749–1738 preschool@tvlc.org

Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunch is an opportunity for your child to have lunch at school with friends. This can be an extended day if your child already has a morning or afternoon class that day. We will take your child to and from Lunch Bunch. Lunch Bunch is offered from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. every day that preschool is in session (Monday-Friday). Call or stop by the office to make a reservation.

Your child brings his/her own lunch from home. We are unable to refrigerate or heat up food, so pack an ice pack if needed. Please include a drink in a non-breakable container. We ask that you do not bring anything with PEANUTS/NUTS. If they bring a soy butter, sunflower butter, etc. sandwich, please label it so the staff knows this is safe. Please be sure your child’s lunch box is clearly labeled with their name.